Mysterious caves of Cameroon
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Caving in Cameroon

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Caving expedition in the Bamileke country

May 10, 2009 – June 16, 2009

Cameroon might not be the first caving destination to think of and the West province in particular is totally unexplored.

However, caves play a significant role in the lives of the inhabitants of the Grassfields of Cameroon. In these caves, women gather bat guano to use as field fertilizer, offerings are made to the gods during traditional ceremonies and meetings are held by secret societies... Cameroon is a land of more than a hundred chiefdoms and traditions are still very much alive.

This first speleological expedition in West Cameroon has for goal to do a survey of the caves of the area, and try to better understand their role in the Bamileke culture.

This expedition is sponsored by the French Federation of Caving

info portfolio

Male cave of Ndemvoh Caldeira of Bamboutos mountain Offering in Mount Memboukem cave Crater lake in the plain of Noun river Traditionnal dance in Bamendjou king's palace
Crater lake in the plain of Noun river
Crater lake in the plain of Noun river
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